CRM Web Application


In September 2017, We signed a contract with Khorasan Newspaper to develop a Customer Relationship Management( CRM ) Software. A CRM gathers customer interactions across all channels in one place. Managing centralized data helps businesses improve customer experience, satisfaction, retention, and service.

The employer had lots of platforms to Advertise for customers in them. It was essential to manage their payments(in a timed manner), Contracts timing and scheduling, and their Marketers. The provided platform allowed them to do so.

My Contributions to this project :

  • Designed back-end and back-end programming of a CRM (customer relationship management) web application
  • Developed using MongoDB and Node.js, REST API.

Some Screenshots of the system is provided here :

Sadra Naddaf
Sadra Naddaf
Sr. Machine Learning Engineer

My research interests include Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning.
